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UK Amazon Store Fee Rates

17独立站1年前 (2023-09-19)亚马逊招商46

What are the fee rates for the UK Amazon store?

Amazon is a popular online marketplace for buyers and sellers. If you are considering selling products on the UK Amazon store, it is essential to be aware of the fee rates associated with this platform. Here, we will explore the fee rates for the UK Amazon store to help you understand the costs involved in selling your products.

How are the fees calculated?

The fees on the UK Amazon store are calculated based on various factors, including the type of product, the category it falls under, and the selling plan you choose. It is important to note that different product categories have different fee structures. Additionally, you may need to pay additional fees for services such as storage, fulfillment, and advertising.

What are the referral fees?

Referral fees are one of the primary fees you will encounter when selling on the UK Amazon store. These fees are a percentage of the total sale price and vary depending on the product category. For example, electronics typically have higher referral fees compared to books or clothing. Referral fees usually range from 6% to 45% of the item's price.

What is the monthly subscription fee?

If you are a professional seller on the UK Amazon store, you will need to pay a monthly subscription fee. This subscription fee allows you to access additional selling features and benefits. The monthly subscription fee for the UK Amazon store is £25 (excluding VAT) per month. Casual sellers who do not want to commit to a monthly subscription can opt for the individual selling plan, which does not have a monthly fee but has higher referral fees.

What are the fulfillment fees?

Fulfillment fees are charges associated with the storage and delivery of your products through Amazon's fulfillment centers. These fees are based on the size and weight of your products. For example, if you choose to use Amazon's FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) service, you will need to pay storage fees for keeping your products in Amazon's warehouses and fulfillment fees for handling and shipping orders. Fulfillment fees vary depending on the product size and weight.

Are there any additional fees?

Yes, apart from referral and fulfillment fees, there are some additional fees you might incur when selling on the UK Amazon store. For example, there are fees for using certain advertising services, such as sponsored product ads or headline search ads, to promote your products. Additionally, long-term storage fees may apply if your products remain unsold in Amazon's warehouses for an extended period. It is crucial to review all the fee details provided by Amazon to understand the complete cost structure.


Understanding the fee rates for the UK Amazon store is crucial for sellers to ensure that they can price their products appropriately and calculate their profit margins accurately. By considering referral fees, monthly subscription fees, fulfillment fees, and additional charges, sellers can make informed decisions and optimize their selling strategies on the UK Amazon store.

    UK Amazon Store Fee Rates





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